Introducing our free digital marketing audit service - for a limited time only

A question that we’re asked a lot at V Formation is, ‘how do we know if our digital marketing is working?’  

With so many components of a successful and omni-channel marketing strategy to consider; from social media platforms and websites to email campaigns and SEO (to name just a few!) it can often feel overwhelming to know what’s right for your business and your industry. This often leaves little to no capacity to take a step back and think – is what we’re doing actually generating what we’re intending it to? Is there anything that we need to do differently, or anything more we could do to enhance our results further?  

We want to help ambitious and growing businesses who are looking for that extra little bit of support, and so we’re offering free digital marketing audits for a limited time.  

What you’ll receive: 

  • 1:1 meeting with our digital team to ‘fact find’ ahead of the audit 
  • An overview of your current activity as a whole 
  • An audit of your website (content, user experience and functionality) 
  • A social media strategy & content review 
  • SWOT analysis 
  • Competitor analysis 
  • Some recommendations to take away and implement  
  • A follow up call with one of our marketing professionals to run through any questions you may have about the audit or your marketing  

If you’re looking for actionable insights and support with no obligation, request your free digital marketing audit today using the form below. 

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